Saturday, January 19, 2013

Diary: You seem so weird.

It's Sunday, 6:27AM and I'm listening to this song. it suits my mood well. *Emo-Mode activated*

 "You're Beautiful - James Blunt"

I got these friend of mine, We had been talking for a week now. We had been so close to each other and shared all the things happening to ourselves all day, like taking pictures of what we are eating and sharing it thru messaging, what we are doing, telling places we go through the whole day, we had been talking to Skype, Calling ourselves "crazy and genius", we share songs, stories and laughter. It's like we are getting to know each other. Now, I'm starting to like HER. I kept it to myself, I didn't show any signs that I have feelings towards her. I want to know more about her. Then, yesterday I feel something strange. She usually greets me in the morning like "Goodmorning lorenz ㅋㅋㅋㅋ wake up now!! ㅋㅋㅋ", I didn't get the usual greeting in the morning. I  told myself that this time I will be the one to greet her then I was surprised!! I can't contact her. It's like she deleted me in her list of contacts. I didn't mind it, I just think that there is something wrong in her phone. As the day passed by, I didn't get any messages from her. I'm starting to feel that there is something wrong. I logged in my Skype and to my surprise! She deleted me in Skype. I was like "#@$!$!%$#!%".... What did i do wrong? Now i feel clueless.. She is weird. I really don't know what i did wrong to erase me from all of her contacts. I feel I'm like on the top of  the mountain and feel like a champion when i knew her and now I'm crumbling back down to the bottom, !@#%!#%#!%!#^....... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ. SIGH.. Tomorrow is her birthday. I want to greet her and make her feel special but i think it's impossible right now(or never). I wonder what's on her mind. I'm really clueless. Anyways..Advance Happy Birthday to you :) I hope you will have a great day. I bet you will go out with your friends and hang out in the club. 

See you!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Random Thoughts: Religion?

I had this different kind of thoughts about Religion since my ex-girlfriend and me broke up a year ago. My ex-girlfriend had this sudden change of heart, she chooses Religion over love/our relationship. We've been almost 5 years together and it never crosses my mind this thing would happen and by this incident, a lot of questions began surfacing my brain.

My incident with my ex-girlfriend really took a big blow in my faith and I started to act like i'm an Agnostic person. Questions began to lurk in my mind, "What if the Spaniards never came in our country and never introduce Catholicism, would our country be the same right now?", "How come my Religion teach us to be good but i always see wicked stuffs everywhere?" "My church says it is wrong to commit sins but how come after the mass they already committing sins?" etc.. etc.. this kind of questions began lurking in my mind.

I tried expressing my thoughts about Religion to my family, friends and relatives. Almost all of the feedback i got is somewhat negative. They told me i am wrong, crazy and i'm going to HELL. Wow! if i'm going to HELL ill be in the bottom part of it, for all the sins i commit HAHAHA. Sigh... People easily JUDGE other people by their outward appearance. Anyways, i'm not affected by it, in fact i respect their feedback and it's rude to disobey elder people.

Uhm...So for me, I'm not against to other Religions, I respect for what they believe in and for what they do. It is just wrong to JUDGE other people by having different faith and stepping their faiths for what they do. Respect is the key! In fact i'm amazed and fascinated to other Religions all around the world. I know some of you will agree and some will disagree and others will have no reaction to this, I just want to emphasize my OPINION and being Agnostic ^-^ uhm that's all :)

See you!