Saturday, May 20, 2017

Diary: How we parted ways...

I got this friend of mine who just came back from United States, She's visiting Philippines for a week and she wants to meet our former group in college. She's throwing a treat at us, so she's insisting that everyone should be present on the given date. We had this group chat in an app, she told us that this Friday we should meet up before she went to United States again. She want to catch up on what's happening in our lives.

Friday comes.. She's so excited that she's early in the venue and she fears no one will show up. It's a little funny though because she messaged us every freaking minute asking us where we at or she will beat every one of us if no one comes to the venue where we would meet up. Gosh she never changed. I remembered our college days, she's like the alarm clock in our group. She's the one waking us up, texting, calling and reminding us we shouldn't be late in our duty or she would beat us up. She's so annoying but in a good way.. LOL 😂.  oh by the way... We're Nursing students at that time just to add.

Anyway, I'm the second one who shows up in the venue. obviously she's the first. As i walk towards her, there's this presence i feel she will nag on me, how she's waiting for a century there, and yes i'm absolutely correct. As i approached her she started talking non stop telling me i was late. Her reaction was so funny i couldn't contain myself and i laugh very hard. I told her after how many years you still haven't changed a bit. Before i sit, she introduced me to her husband and her two sisters. I introduced myself and made an apology for being late. Her husband told me it was okay, her wife was just exaggerating. they were like 10 minutes waiting there so no apologies needed. I laugh so hard again and told her husband she was just like that when we're still on college days. Her husband left us with her two sisters because they will go shopping and wants her wife to have a quality time with our group.

So it's just me and my annoying friend 😆 First thing she asked me is "how's life? is everything good? you look thinner my friend!? how's tita and your dogs?". I told her "everything was good, been busy with life lately, and mom's good and my dogs is still cute as ever". She added "how about your lovelife? doing well?" I answered "would you believe me if i say i haven't gotten in to a relationship since me and my ex broke up?". She was a bit shocked on my answer, asked me "why my friend? have you lost interest in relationships? or your'e planning being a priest?". I answered "of course i'm still interested being committed but now i'm having fun enjoying myself" i laugh on the priest part though 😂. She added "so is there a special someone my friend?". I answered "Yes, there is".

She's insisting/forcing me to describe this special someone of mine, on how we met, how she became special to me. I give her a brief details about my special someone but not all, i told her if everything is all good. i will properly introduce her, but now isn't the right time, there are some situations that needs to be fixed. So the insisting part stops. She grabbed her phone and she shows me something.. it was an email letter dated back 2012. an email letter that i already forgotten.. an email letter that explains how we parted ways..

had to edit our email and name for privacy :)

I asked her why she have that email letter. She told me that when she wanted to ask how's me and my ex doing back then, i email her that letter to explain what happened. She told me when she read about that letter a lot of question she want to ask me but haven't got time to ask because she was about to go to United States that time. So she just save that email letter in her archive and will ask me later but she totally forgot it. So this email is sitting in her email archive for 5 years already.

I did explain to her everything what happened. How things didn't go well for us, How anticlimactic on how we broke up and How things went after that. She told me she thought were gonna end up tying the knot, how perfect our relationship back then. I just said "Nope, there is no such thing is perfect, change is one of the only permanent thing in this world, if you cannot cope up with it, no matter the foundation you built it will still crumble". I told my friend that even though things didn't work for us, i'm thankful enough to experience those kind of things, it made me stronger and more mature on how i perceive things in life.

After that heart to heart talk with my friend, our other friends finally came.. And yes i had to explain everything again to them because same questions were asked about me LOL 😂😂

I'm very much happy with my life right now, i don't have any regrets with my past relationship, rather i'm more thankful because i realized that there's more life than to love.

To my special someone.. if you ever read this. i'm very blessed that i have you right now 💓

Your'e still my Princess 💓

See you ^-^ 🙇


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