Monday, December 31, 2012

Diary: Bye 2012! Welcome 2013!

WooooHooooo!! Happy New Year!! 

Bye 2012! It's been a rough road, so many ups and downs, obstacles, challenges, so on and so forth.
But hey!! this things made me stronger, more mature and lively as ever! I'm thankful for the wonderful experience i had this 2012. I'm grateful having a wonderful family, cousins, relatives, friends and even YOU!! the one reading this!! Thank you for accompanying me this year, it was such a wonderful journey. I've been bad luck with my lovelife this 2012 :(  i hope this 2013 i will finally meet the woman of my dreams HAHAHA! To my career! i hope it goes well. my target income this 2013 is 100,000 Pesos! i will work my ass off just to attain that goal! To my family, well it's just me and my mom, because my dad passed away and im the only child. I hope our relationship will never change, always happy even were supposed to be sad, more quality time to each other and of course more fun! even if it's just the two of us. To my friends all around the world, I would like to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my HEART! without you guys my life would be so dull. As for my dreams... i will continue chasing it! Even if I reach one of them there will be a next one and another one... and another one.... until i die well that's Life :) Life is a never ending journey with no satisfaction, so just go with the flow and no turning back! For all the things happened to me this 2012 i have no regrets, i learn so much. Thank You 2012.. 안녕히계세요, it was fun :)

Welcome 2013!!


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