Sunday, December 9, 2012

Welcome to my World

Hello! yes you! the one reading this. 

First i want to introduce myself. I'm Joseph Lorenz Queaño Valencia, you can call me Jolo or Lorenz. Honestly, i don't know what to write since this is my first time Blogging. maybe i'll describe something about myself, for you to have an idea about me. so here goes ^-^

  • I like Doraemon so much
  • I listen to any kind of music, even Justin Beiber HAHAHA
  • Sometimes i am crazy
  • Like to speak gibberish words
  • I sing in the bathroom
  • I love Dogs! A LOT!
  • I'm Open Minded in anything
  • Sometimes i talk to myself
  • I can blend in any type of society
  • Blood type O
  • I eat in bowl, not in plate
  • Used to being alone
  • I love Japanese Mangas
  • I used to rap songs
  • I love taking photos!
  • I love funny stuffs
  • I'm a person who is extremely easy to please
  • I treasure my hobbies so much
  • I'm shy at first, but i do the stupidest random shit when i get comfortable with someone
  • I'm practicing Korean language
  • I like to curse so much as an expression
  • I like artistic people
  • Have a huge sense of humor
  • I laugh all the time
  • Lastly but not the least, i am Me, Myself and I
So yeah.. that's about it, i can't think anymore about myself. if you wanna know more about me just ask me ^-^ i promise that i will update my Blog regularly. I can post anything here right? Uhmm. so.. to wrap it up, i would like to share my Motto in life with you guys "Study First, Sex Later, Drugs Never"

Thank you for reading. I hope i didn't waste your precious time HAHAHA

See you!

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