Saturday, December 15, 2012

Random Thoughts: Girls!

They're beautiful, majestic, mysterious, mesmerizing creatures. Smart, empathetic, far superior to men in every way. And if I had a choice, I would be with women to my dying day - Friends with Benefits

I just finish watching this movie and this line stuck in my head. Girls, what is so good about them? they are like jigsaw puzzle, you need ample amount of time just to figure out what are they thinking. They are so conscious about themselves and they are so emotionally sensitive. Am i right? Yeah, maybe. I think it's normal that sometimes we Guys don't usually understand them, that's why we make efforts just to solve the mystery behind that Girl. As for me, We think that at some point in our life we will be able to understand Girls. Unfortunately that day may never come. Girls are complex. They have lots of layers that make up who they are. This may sound discouraging, but really it's the coolest things about Girls. They are never boring and will keep you guessing, they are deep, fascinating, and full of surprises. just embrace it ^-^

That's all. Thank you for reading ^-^

See you!

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