Monday, December 31, 2012

Diary: Bye 2012! Welcome 2013!

WooooHooooo!! Happy New Year!! 

Bye 2012! It's been a rough road, so many ups and downs, obstacles, challenges, so on and so forth.
But hey!! this things made me stronger, more mature and lively as ever! I'm thankful for the wonderful experience i had this 2012. I'm grateful having a wonderful family, cousins, relatives, friends and even YOU!! the one reading this!! Thank you for accompanying me this year, it was such a wonderful journey. I've been bad luck with my lovelife this 2012 :(  i hope this 2013 i will finally meet the woman of my dreams HAHAHA! To my career! i hope it goes well. my target income this 2013 is 100,000 Pesos! i will work my ass off just to attain that goal! To my family, well it's just me and my mom, because my dad passed away and im the only child. I hope our relationship will never change, always happy even were supposed to be sad, more quality time to each other and of course more fun! even if it's just the two of us. To my friends all around the world, I would like to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my HEART! without you guys my life would be so dull. As for my dreams... i will continue chasing it! Even if I reach one of them there will be a next one and another one... and another one.... until i die well that's Life :) Life is a never ending journey with no satisfaction, so just go with the flow and no turning back! For all the things happened to me this 2012 i have no regrets, i learn so much. Thank You 2012.. 안녕히계세요, it was fun :)

Welcome 2013!!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gunpla Love: MG Shining Gundam Custom Paint

Finally! I've finish my photoshoot of my MG Shining Gundam ^-^ The results are AWESOME! i love it so much!! I spent so much time taking photos but it's worth it. I hope you like it! So sit back and relax and have fun ^-^!

First, i want to share this clip that inspire me to do this project.

This hand of mine glows with an awesome power, it's burning grip tells me
to defeat you!! TAKE THIS!! My LOVE, My ANGER and all of my SORROW!!!

My DIY Photobooth

My photobooth set up is so simple. a lamp, a diffuser box made with shoebox and a tracing paper and for the background a yellow cartolina. that's all :)


For High Quality Picture of this check out my flickr account

That's all of it! Thank you so much for viewing! Have a nice day guys!

See you!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Random Thoughts: Girls!

They're beautiful, majestic, mysterious, mesmerizing creatures. Smart, empathetic, far superior to men in every way. And if I had a choice, I would be with women to my dying day - Friends with Benefits

I just finish watching this movie and this line stuck in my head. Girls, what is so good about them? they are like jigsaw puzzle, you need ample amount of time just to figure out what are they thinking. They are so conscious about themselves and they are so emotionally sensitive. Am i right? Yeah, maybe. I think it's normal that sometimes we Guys don't usually understand them, that's why we make efforts just to solve the mystery behind that Girl. As for me, We think that at some point in our life we will be able to understand Girls. Unfortunately that day may never come. Girls are complex. They have lots of layers that make up who they are. This may sound discouraging, but really it's the coolest things about Girls. They are never boring and will keep you guessing, they are deep, fascinating, and full of surprises. just embrace it ^-^

That's all. Thank you for reading ^-^

See you!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gunpla Love - MG Shining Gundam Hyper Mode Part 3

Finally! oh yes! At last I'm finished with my Shining Gundam Hyper Mode project. I had fun with this project and highly satisfied with my work. I had few problems while building it especially on the paint, some of the paint chipped and i had to sand it off to even the painting, but yes, i manage to fix it. Anyway here is the last part of my project so sit back and relax and hopefully you enjoy reading it ^-^ Cheers!

Special effects - Chroming part 2!

i started by masking some armor parts that i want to be chromed

After i finished painting it with chrome, time to remove the masking tapes. Here is an example of the result

After i finished chroming some armor parts, It's time to panel line all the remaining armor parts.

"this took me 2 hours just to panel line all, not to mention i ran out of enamel thinner luckily i have extra lighter fluid as substitute ^-^"

Assembly Part

i paint my inner frame with Bosny Metallic: Duchess Gold and Chrome for the hydraulics on the leg.

Finished assembling the arms ^-^

"the hands glows?"

While assembling the Core Lander, some of the paint chipped because the paint was too thick and made head of the Core Lander unmovable so i had to sand it off.

"this took a while, had to repaint this again :("

After waiting for the repainted core lander, i continue to assemble the remaining parts. Here are the results.






"Core Lander: Front View"

"Core Lander: Back View"

When assembled all together, this is the outcome!  Shining Gundam Hyper Mode!!!

Yehey! it's finished! im so satisfied with my work, i put alot of effort to this kit, the painting, the small details and all the hardwork i put into this, so what's next? to take pictures on action poses!!! but sadly i can't do it today T___T i still need to set up my DIY photobooth and i dont have the materials right now. Hopefully this weekend but I'm still not sure. so that's all for this project! i had fun! i don't know what kit should i paint next, any suggestions? leave your suggestion on the comment box! Thank you for reading! have a nice day guys! 

See you!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gunpla Love - MG Shining Gundam Hyper Mode Part 2

It's a tiring day but it's worth it. I finish painting all the armor parts of my Shining Gundam, i messed up some paint job but managed to fix it. Anyways, here is my progress to my project. Sit back and relax and enjoy reading ^-^

Painting Part 2

For the Blue Armor parts i use this spray paint

It is Bosny Metallic: Bronze Gold

I finished priming the blue armor parts.

After 30 minutes, it's dry and i paint it with Bosny Metallic: Bronze Gold

Here's close up look. it's darker than Bosny Metallic: Gold

"Blue Armor parts"

I did some Enamel wash ^-^ it looks good.

For the Red Armor part i use this spray paint

it is Bosny Metallic: Duchess Gold

I clip the Red Armor parts and start to prime them

After i finish priming it, I paint it and i wait again to dry -_-

Hooray!! ^-^ it's dry

A closer look, The color is more of Bronze color and i like it ^-^

And for the remaining armor parts which is the White armor parts i use this paint

it is Bosny Special Color: "18kt. Gold"

Here is the set of the white armor parts painted by Bosny Special Color: "18kt. Gold"

Closer look, it's literally color Gold

So that's it, i finished painting all the armor parts, Hooray to me! ^-^ job well done! i was satisfied with my work and happy with it. it's 75% done! The only task left is to panel wash all panel lines, chroming some booster parts, painting some parts of the inner frame, assemble all back together and lastly topcoat, i haven't decided yet what topcoat shall i use. I'm thinking using Gloss or Semi Gloss. What do you think? you can leave comments or suggestion in the box below, i'll gladly appreciate it if you guys do, so that's all for now! Have a nice day guys and thank you for reading my blog. hope you appreciate my work.

See you!