Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gunpla Love - MG Shining Gundam Hyper Mode Part 3

Finally! oh yes! At last I'm finished with my Shining Gundam Hyper Mode project. I had fun with this project and highly satisfied with my work. I had few problems while building it especially on the paint, some of the paint chipped and i had to sand it off to even the painting, but yes, i manage to fix it. Anyway here is the last part of my project so sit back and relax and hopefully you enjoy reading it ^-^ Cheers!

Special effects - Chroming part 2!

i started by masking some armor parts that i want to be chromed

After i finished painting it with chrome, time to remove the masking tapes. Here is an example of the result

After i finished chroming some armor parts, It's time to panel line all the remaining armor parts.

"this took me 2 hours just to panel line all, not to mention i ran out of enamel thinner luckily i have extra lighter fluid as substitute ^-^"

Assembly Part

i paint my inner frame with Bosny Metallic: Duchess Gold and Chrome for the hydraulics on the leg.

Finished assembling the arms ^-^

"the hands glows?"

While assembling the Core Lander, some of the paint chipped because the paint was too thick and made head of the Core Lander unmovable so i had to sand it off.

"this took a while, had to repaint this again :("

After waiting for the repainted core lander, i continue to assemble the remaining parts. Here are the results.






"Core Lander: Front View"

"Core Lander: Back View"

When assembled all together, this is the outcome!  Shining Gundam Hyper Mode!!!

Yehey! it's finished! im so satisfied with my work, i put alot of effort to this kit, the painting, the small details and all the hardwork i put into this, so what's next? to take pictures on action poses!!! but sadly i can't do it today T___T i still need to set up my DIY photobooth and i dont have the materials right now. Hopefully this weekend but I'm still not sure. so that's all for this project! i had fun! i don't know what kit should i paint next, any suggestions? leave your suggestion on the comment box! Thank you for reading! have a nice day guys! 

See you!

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